Winter 2025 Now Available

River & South Review is an online literary journal run by the students of the Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Wilkes University. We publish new, emerging, and seasoned writers.

“Their conversation unspooled like a thread so fine it seemed never-ending, but still ends.”
—Aubrey Parke, “The Night That No One Slept”

Photo by Matthew Hinton

About River & South

We want writing that catches our breath and makes us wish we had written it. We want writing that makes us think and wonder; laugh or cry; sigh or scream; nod our heads yes or no.

Submissions Welcome

We seek to be a home for work that evokes a visceral reaction, encourages continued conversation, captures the adventures of life, and spurs our readers to go find their own adventures to write about.

Would you like to be a part of River & South?

River & South Review publishes twice each year. We accept fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Submissions open February 15 for summer issues and August 30 for winter issues.

If we reach our capacity, we will close submissions before the deadline. So, submit early!